Fitness & Nutrition Updates

  • Update on current requirements for gyms and personal training in Hanoi

    Update on current requirements for gyms and personal training in Hanoi

    Many people have been reaching out to get first-hand information to what degree personal training is possible at the moment in Hanoi, and with what restrictions gyms are allowed to operate at the moment. Gyms in Hanoi had been officially allowed to re-open start of November, restricted to 50% capacity and only able to allow…

  • Who can benefit from sport rehabilitation training?

    Who can benefit from sport rehabilitation training?

    Likewise for a person wanting to return to normal health after suffering an injury, or an athlete wanting to bring their sport-specific training to the next level! A closer look on sport rehabilitation training and who it can be beneficial for? Sport rehabilitation is advancing regular fitness training protocols, utilizing them for restoring or maintaining…

  • Will Street Food Make You Fat?

    Will Street Food Make You Fat?

    You can argue that street food contains a lot of fresh and healthy ingredients, which in many cases is true. But street food is also full of fat, sugar, salt, and MSG. It’s also high in calories, and those calories can lead to unwanted weight gains. The hard truth is that anything can make you…

  • Build Healty Habits

    Build Healty Habits

    Recently I had time for a quick workout at a gym I am not affiliated with. I was resting between sets when a member of that gym approached me for a short chat. After a few words he said: “I already had my body transformed, but after I got fat again.” And he continued: “I…

  • Restaurant Food VS Home Cooked Meals

    Restaurant Food VS Home Cooked Meals

    Eating out, having take aways or food deliveries are all very accessible here in Hanoi, and the reasonable pricing and promising idea of saving our time for doing groceries and cooking makes them very appealing. No need to worry about groceries or planning ahead, you can choose from a wide selection of meals and order…



    The end of Tet holidays marks the end of the annual festive season. A festive season that is quite a bit longer than in other places, since we more or less go directly from Christmas and International New Year into Vietnamese New Year preparations, without ever fully going back to our normal agenda. It’s the…


    We are approaching the peak of this years festive season here in Hanoi. Only a couple of more days until Tet. The days leading up to Tet always remind me on the days before Christmas back home in Europe. People have so many things to do and prepare, buying trees, hoarding food, meeting with colleagues,…

  • Do you want to stay YOUNGER for LONGER?

    My answer to that question is very simple, try to stay active and healthy throughout all your life! UP TO 30 YEARS “YOUNGER”: For a long time there has been very little scientific based research on aging and the effect exercising has on aging processes. Only recently a study has been published, focusing for the…


    The start of a new year is a perfect time to form NE!W HABITS, no matter if you are thinking about getting more committed to workouts and being physically active, start eating healthier, or basically anything you had in mind for some time to get more serious and persistent about. The biggest obstacle might seem…


    Hot summer has come to Hanoi and the sunny weather made the city boiling hot in an instant. Here some tips that can make your workouts during that time more effective and enjoyable. 🌡️ TIMING: try to move your workouts to cooler morning or evening times, try to avoid the heat during lunch times 🌡️ CLOTHES: wear…